New England Blogs

Monday, November 8, 2010

pull it up, tie it up

Three different styles of the workplace "up-do's". It's funny how you can sense the age and personality of a person, just by looking at the back of their head. Seriously!  These 3 hairdo's actually say a lot about these three people. It always amazes me how a photograph, even one as trivial as this one, can really open up one's mind and tell a story.

"The hair is the richest ornament of women."  ~Martin Luther


  1. ha! I love this!

    What does it say about me if I'm thinking I want to cut it all off? :)

  2. You are so creative! Who else would check out everyone's hair and find inspiration?

  3. Hi Chris,
    It says you are an indedpendant woman!!!!! :-) Time for a change? If so, I say go for it! :-)

  4. Thanks Nancy,
    Actually, it was the first girl who's updo attracted me to just says so much about her! But then as I looked around, I decided to photograph a few of the other girls, and this was the result. It's fun to just let these things evolve, huh?
