New England Blogs

Friday, May 22, 2020

Baltimore Oriole Nest

Spring weather has finally arrived here in SE MA. It's 80 degrees outside with no humidity and not a cloud in the sky as I type this. This is my kind of weather. The kind that puts a smile in your heart!

I found a Baltimore Oriole nest the other day. The hatchlings haven't hatched yet, but it's a lot of fun watching Mom and Dad from a distance, with my long lens.


  1. Fantastic photos!
    Thank you. It is nice to know what their nest looks like.

    1. Thank you Salty. I saw my first Oriole nest a few years ago. I had no idea that this was what they looked like either. They are so intricate and I learned that the female weaves the nest by herself!

  2. Glorious oriole! Its nest so precariously hung in a tall tulip tree. I used to see one at end of hanging branch of American elm, swaying in breeze over Rt 27 - love this photo set!

    1. Thank you Cynthia. You have taught me something new. I didn't know that tree was called a tulip tree. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.

  3. Thank you for posting. I am an amateur photographer and I love birds as well.

    1. Welcome to the blog and thanks for leaving a comment. I'd love to see some of your photos if you have a website or a FB page or Instagram, let me know!
