And there were also a few broken unhatched eggs:
We then discovered three fledglings. They are as cute as cute can be, but they seem so young and I'm not convinced they are old enough to leave the nest yet. This worries me. I looked a lot of information up on the web and tried to educate myself as best I could.
Here are some images of these precious little babes:
The good news is that Mom and Dad are around. My neighbors and I put the babies back in the nest and placed the nest in a large rhododendrun bush. But once the parents flew to the bush, the babies tumbled out of the nest and landed on the ground again. We felt it to be best to leave them alone at this point and hope for the best.
I haven't gone out yet this morning to check on them. I think I'm afraid to go look!
Aren't they just too precious????