New England Blogs

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Looking back and reflecting on the past

Day 330/Year 2
In 35 days it will be the first day of Spring. In 35 days it will also be the end of year 2 for this blog. Year one was fun and challenging. Year 2 has been even more challenging, but it has also been more of a burden. I'm not complaining per se, but just saying it like it is. It's a huge undertaking, and I'm ready to move onto something new when these next 35 days are over. I'll still be posting on this blog, but I'm not quite sure how I am going to be changing things up, and in what direction I want to take the blog. I have a few ideas, and come Spring, we will see where this blog is headed.
In the meantime, thank you all once again for taking this photographic journey with me!!