New England Blogs

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Daniel Wesbster Wildlife Sanctuary in the Spring

I visited the Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary located in Marshfield MA one early morning last week. This is a beautiful area with miles of trails that traverse grasslands, woodlands, and wetlands. There are two bird blinds located at each end of a small pond area. Here is a photo of one of the blinds that I took from the blind across the water. Notice the lovely colors of Spring emerging in the tree buds as well:

Here is an image of a Barn Swallow that I shot from inside of the blind.

Here is a White Egret which flew overhead during my walk.

Tree Swallows at the nesting boxes:

This one cracks me up. Looks like it is being shot out of a cannon. :-)

A Red Bellied Woodpecker:

A Pileated Woodpecker:

A Common Grackle:

A lovely Bluebird:

Bluebird in flight:

It was a beautiful morning to be out in Nature. Here is one final image of the beautiful colors of Spring:

1 comment:

  1. Love your bluebird in flight. I don't often see those little guys with their wings spread. Nice work.
