New England Blogs

Monday, June 13, 2016

Backyard Fox Update

It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks in my backyard land of the wild animals, so I figured I would give you an update.

I had gotten to know the routine of the fox and could predict when I would see them. One evening as I sat on the deck with my camera in hand, I noticed something coming through the woods from the direction of the den. It was around 6 PM and the area of the woods was in deep shadows. I assumed it was the adult fox, until if got closer and I saw the enormous size of the animal. It was an adult....very healthy looking.....coyote. My stomach sank as I knew the fox were in danger.

We had a few evenings of the sound of the fox danger call. It was disturbing to say the least. Things have quieted down. The fox no longer live in the den in my backyard. In my heart, I want to believe that they have moved to another safer den. From all of the research I have done, this very well could be the case, as the fox typically have one or two "back up" dens. Occasionally during the night we still can hear the fox call, but it is further and deeper into the woods.

Here are the last set of images that I took of the fox kits. I don't think I will ever see them again so I am thankful that I got these images of them.

This kit was about 5 feet away from me when I shot this.

I'm not sad and don't want you to be sad because in my heart and in my mind these little ones are still playing and roaming the woods and living happy little fox lives. Amen!

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