New England Blogs

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Abington MA on a November Day

I took a walk around town with my camera one overcast day last week. I always enjoy the colors of late Fall in New England, and even in November there is still some color to be found. They are not the vibrant colors we see in the peak season of Fall, but these colors are the more golden, rusty colors of the beech trees and the other late turning trees. It's just a beautiful time of year around here.

Here is Island Grove in Abington where I tend to spend a lot of time with my camera. This is "our" swan family. The juveniles are just about the same size as the parents, and they are losing a lot of their brown tones in their feathers.

One of the juveniles stretching their wings for me.

Papa swan getting a drink

If you are a long time follower, you will know that I have spent a lot of time photographing in the cemetery here in town......especially when I was posting daily for my 365 day two year project. Well, I recently found out there is a small foot bridge that runs over the stream. It's a beautiful hidden spot and I took this shot standing on the bridge.

It's so pretty there. Another reason why I love shooting in the late Fall is because all of the leaf drop makes such a gorgeous carpet of leaves. 
Can you tell I don't want this season to end? Sigh......

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