New England Blogs

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Bufflehead and pair of Blue Winged Teals

I saw this adorable little Bufflehead Duck the other day at the Hingham Shipyard. These sea ducks are just adorable!

The other day I went to the Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary in Marshfield MA with a few friends. We went into the two bird blinds....and while in the second blind we were lucky enough to see a pair of Blue Winged Teals. We spent a very long time there, watching these two swim in and out of the tall grasses and reeds. They didn't really go out into the open water and preferred staying close to the grasses. This made it difficult to get any decent shots of them. Here is an environmental portrait of this pair that I was able to capture:

From what I understand, these ducks are not as common as some of the other ducks in this area, so it was a real treat to be able to see them and photograph them.


  1. Fab shots! The first one is so cute and the 2nd pic is just perfect--what drsl camera are you using ?

  2. Thank you Ava. I am using the Nikon D90.
