New England Blogs

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Whiffle Tree Candle Co.

I love home-spun, simplistic, comfortable home decor with a touch of a primitive feel. I also love to burn scented candles in my house. My sister Nancy is the same way. When she discovered that the Whiffle Tree Candle Company has a store in Billerica MA, we planned a day to visit this shop. We went a few weeks ago on a beautiful blue sky Fall day. It was one of those days where the trees were either peaking and some were just past peak.....and leaves were falling and dancing along the road. We took backroads the whole way there. What would have been an hours drive via the highway was a two and a half hour drive taking backroads. We enjoyed every minute of it and had a great day!

How adorable this place looked when we drove up. It is surrounded by trees, with a little waterfall flowing past the shop and a pond on the other side.

There's also an adorable covered bridge on the property.

I bought two of the large jar candles. One of them is called "Grandmas Kitchen" and I have it burning and it smells just like you walked into a country store in my house. Love it!!!!!
Here's a link to the shop if interested: