New England Blogs

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hey there! Hope all is well with everyone. I'm still battling the bronchitis and dealing with the Prednisone mood swings. Not a fun week, but won't complain. Better days are ahead. My biggest disappointment this week was missing two photography workshops that I had previously signed up to attend.........a waterfall workshop on Tuesday, and a sunrise workshop at Nantasket Beach this morning. These workshops are being offered by my buddy Greg Lessard and are being paid for by a grant through the Mass Arts Council. See Greg's blog post for more info:
I have taken this weeks down time and put it to use by practicing with some post production textures on some of my images. It's a fun thing for me to take some of my images and transform them into a different look. Here are some of the results:
This is from a beautiful tulip plant that my son "N" gave to me for Easter:

An early morning image taken a year ago in Middleboro with some texture added:

A gull closeup:

A textured view from Franconia Notch NH:

A less is more approach:

I hope you enjoyed viewing these as much as I enjoyed making them.


  1. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for the shout out! I really like what you did with the image from Cumberland Farms. The Vt truck makes me wish for a back road journey through that great state! Keep up the great work. Feel better soon!

  2. Thanks a bunch Greg. The light that morning at Cumberland Farms was magical. The VT truck image is one that I forgot I even had! It was one of those lucky moments when that great old truck happened to come down the road just at the right time. Hope to see you soon!

  3. Hi Carol,
    Love all of the images. Hope you are feeling better soon so you can be out shooting again.

  4. Thank you so much Janice. I hope to get back out there soon. So glad you stopped by here to comment!
