New England Blogs

Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's good to be back

I've missed being here and hope you are all doing well. It's time for some changes here and this is what I have in mind. This new phase of the blog will not contain daily images. I hope to post at least once a week, perhaps more on a good week. I also want to focus more on "quality" rather than "quantity" of the posted images, taking into consideration what I want the viewer to "get" or "feel" from the images.......not just throw a snapshot up because I have to, but rather post an image because I want to. I will be posting the things that make me happy and I hope to convey my feelings in each image as well.
I hope you like the new look of the blog. I have done some housecleaning and decorating here during the little hiatus. Since I will not be posting daily, I hope you take advantage of the new "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" signup at the top of the page. If you sign up, you will be given email notifications when new posts are made here.
My shutter finger got itchy yesterday, so I went out to give it a little workout using the new (to me) 70-300 mm lens. I am finding some purple fringing with this lens that I am not too happy with. Not sure if it will be visible in the image size posted here, but when viewed larger, it is visible to me.
These are from the backside of Whitman's Pond in Weymouth MA.....behind the cemetery.......yes, I'm still cruising the cemeteries for photo's........they are lovely places and a lot of people are just dying to get in there! :-)
Here is a Mama Swan sitting on her nest.
And here's a White Egret who was hanging out amongst the reeds.

The Specs:
Nikon D90, 70-300 mm lens, ISO 500, f11, 1/1250, -1/3ev
The Specs will once again be posted, as this is an important thing to share on a photography blog.
It's good to be back.........


  1. Welcome back!! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us this year! Love you

  2. Thank you Miss J and also thanks for the suggestion you gave me earlier today. I appreciate it and I hope it looks better. I love you too girl! :-)

  3. Welcome back! These are wonderful, Carol!

  4. Looks great Carol!! I'm looking forward to seeing all your future posts. Love the photos.

  5. Thanks a bunch Tracy and Nancy!!!
