This photo was taken today in the recovery room at South Shore Hospital. Mr S went in for a scheduled surgery this morning. I spent the day by his side in the recovery room. He was in a lot of pain, but was resting comfortably as long as the pain meds kicked in. He was finally admitted up to the floor around 7 pm. When I left him, he was as comfortable as can be expected. :-(
On another note, while I was waiting in the OR waiting room, my cell phone rang.........it was the computer repair shop calling to tell me that my laptop is fried. :-(
Talk about having a bad day.................
Although, the day ended in a bit of an upswing. I went to camera club (late for the meeting but I went anyways) and won second place in the Nature Category, and second place in the advanced category this evening. I was pretty happy about that. This is my first year competing in the advanced category, and I'm not expecting to do too well, so this was a nice surprise for me and I needed a bit of a pick me up! Also, the two images that did well tonight were both from my photo a day blog...........so this project is really helping me!
Here's today;s BONUS PHOTO
I shot this great blue heron in flight while visiting my friend bm's in-laws (Geez, I forget the name of the town sorry) They had a little pond in their backyard, so I went out to take a few photos and was so happy to see this guy standing by the waters edge. I took several shots of him, and then I went up close to him, knowing he would fly away (they are very shy birds). I tried the best I could to capture a decent shot of him in flight. This is just a bit soft, and I cut off his little feet (darn it!!) but I am dedicating this shot to Mr S tonight in hopes that he will get better quickly and soon be soaring!!!! :-)