New England Blogs

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Words For Wednesday 1/27/2021


"The fog of illusion,
the fog of confusion
is hanging all over the world"
----Van Morrisson

May the fog that we are living in lift soon!
Stay safe and healthy my friends. xxoo

Monday, January 25, 2021

Milky Way Killington VT

 As previously mentioned, I have some photos taken this past Fall that I haven't shared on the blog. Today's photo is a Milky Way shot that I took at Kent Pond in Killington. It was a very chilly night with very strong winds blowing across the pond. The water had waves and white caps as you would see along the ocean from the strong winds.

This was a perfect location for shooting the Milky Way, as it rose directly above the peak of Killington Mountain.

There was something really special about the night sky this particular evening. I have never seen so many stars, and such vibrant stars, in the Vermont sky as I did this particular evening. I'm not sure why but it was a gorgeous sight to see. 

 The trees in the forefront are not sharp due to the long shutter speed I used and the blowing winds. However, I still love this photo despite it's technical flaw.

Stay safe and well my friends. xxoo

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Words For Wednesday 1/20/2021

"The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
if only we're brave enough to see it
if only we're brave enough to be it"

---From "The Hill We Climb"
By Amanda Gorman
Inaugural Poem 1/20/2021


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Cranberry Bog Harvesting

 Hi all. Before I go into the cranberry bog photographs, I'll take a moment to update you on the progress of my injuries. It's been 46 days (but who's counting) since the accident. I went to have x rays taken at the orthopedic Dr this week and I'm healing well. I finally got the ok to do some weight bearing in the air cast walking boot that I'm in. I will start going out for PT this week which I'm happy about. The Dr said it will be two more months before I'll be able to drive and resume normal activities. I'm trying to be positive and reminding myself I should be healed just in time for Spring......a time for new beginnings!

I haven't picked up my camera since November 28th.......a very long time for me. It's strange to say, but I actually haven't even had the urge to take any photos. Normally my shutter finger would be very itchy to get out there shooting. I'm sure once I'm able to be mobile I'll be itching to get back out with my camera. For now, I'm just healing, reading, watching tv and making plans for when I'm healed and can safely see all of my friends and loved ones. Speaking of that, I do have some good news to share. Although I'm out on a medical leave of absence from work, I was able to go in to the hospital in my wheel chair to get both of the covid vaccines. I just got the second one this week. With my medical history and being high risk, it is a HUGE weight lifted off of my shoulders and I'm so thankful that I have been vaccinated. 

Now on to some New England photography! I actually have some photos that I took this past Fall that never made it to the blog so I'm going to start sharing them. In mid October I was invited to go to one of the local cranberry bogs here on the South Shore of MA to take photos of the cranberry harvest. We have many cranberry bogs in this area, and it's always a treat to see the bogs being harvested each Fall.

This is a family owned bog and there were three generations at work the day I visited. These cranberries went to the Ocean Spray Company by the way!

This was a moment I was happy to capture. I could feel his joy to soak up some sun and it felt as though he was very happy and thankful to be working his families bog. 

The truck to load and transport the cranberries wasn't available on this day so the cranberries were hauled away the next day. It was a spectacular Autumn day and I'm happy to be bringing you a taste of Fall here in my neck of the woods

Stay safe and healthy my friends. xxoo