New England Blogs

Friday, October 17, 2014

Holland VT/ Holland Pond

Holland is an adorable little town way up in the tippity top Northern part of Vermont, bordering the Canadian border. It is a beautiful spot, enriched with miles and miles of farmland. This was our destination that we headed to on Sunday morning after we left Brownington, which was featured on the previous blog post.
Now remember, I was with Mr. S so I had to be very picky about where I yelled out "stop here" for a photo op. If I were not with Mr. S, I would have taken many more stops, but I have to keep in mind that I drive that man crazy with all of my stopping to take pictures...... but I must tell you that I was biting my tongue and and wringing my hands on my lap because I wanted to stop every 10 seconds.
Here is just one of the many farms we saw, but I wanted to take this picture to show you Canada, which is on those hilltops in the distance.

During my trip planning, I found Holland Pond on the map. Holland Pond? Why, I had never heard of Holland Pond! I have never seen anyone else's pictures of Holland Pond before (I see a lot of VT photographs) I felt like Christopher Columbus finding the new world!!!! So, I knew that this was the place I wanted to go and photograph. I did a good job of reading the map (not my strong suit) and got us to beautiful Holland Pond. We were the only two people there. It felt like we were the only two people on the planet. Well, besides our dog Rudy who was with us and he thinks he's a person so I will include him. 
The foliage was peak and beautiful as we stood there along the shore looking across the pond. The only problem was we were looking directly into the sun. I still managed to come away with a few half way decent images to share. I hope to return here (maybe next year) during the late afternoon light. (And without Mr S and Rudy)

On the drive back from the pond, I yelled out another "stop" when I saw this unusual sight. I titled this image "Ring of Fire"

Now, that's something you don't see every day!
The next post will make you hum up up and away........stay tuned. 


  1. Your photos are lovely. I have been to Vermont many times. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada!

  2. Hi Linda!!!! Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate it. It's so nice to know I have a reader from our neighbor to the North. I hope you visit more often!!!!
